IPv6 addressing (not on blueprint)
General information on “IPv6 Unicast”:
- 128 bit in length and notated in hexadecimal
- Leading zeroes can be omitted; 0001 => 1
- Consecutive octets with only zeroes can be shortened once, e.g. 0000:0000:0000 => ::
IPv6 Unicast address format: 2001:aa11:bb22:cc33:dd44:ee55:ff66:0001
IPv6 Unicast address types:
- Global Unicast Address (GUA):
- Routable across the internet
- Prefix is 2000::/3
- Unique Local Address (ULA):
- Private address space
- Prefix is FC00::/7 but…
- FD00::/8 is currently the only valid prefix because the L-Bit („Local“-bit, 8th bit from left) must be set to 1
- Link Local Address (LLA):
- Only valid on a given link
- Mandatory for each interface running IPv6
- Prefix is FE80::/10
- Loopback:
- Similar to in IPv4
- Address is ::1 (without any subnet!)
- Unspecified:
- Used when the host has no valid IPv6 address
- Address is ::/128 (everything zero)
- Documentation Prefix:
- Used for documentation purposes (eg. Cisco Docs)
- Prefix is 2001:0db8::/32
- Discard Prefix:
- Used for traffic black-holing (eg. large-scale BGP deployments)
- Prefix is 0100::/64
Extended Unique Identifier
General information on “IPv6 EUI-64”:
- Used to automatically generate the Interface ID portion of an IPv6 address
- MAC address of the interface is used for this
- This is done in two steps:
- FFFE gets inserted in the middle of
- 7th bit from left (the “U/L”-bit, Universally/Locally) of the MAC address gets flipped
Example for “IPv6 EUI-64”:
- Prefix: FE80::/64
- MAC address: 1111.1111.1111
- Prefix + MAC + Bit Flip: FE80::1311:11FF:FE11:1111
Neighbor Discovery (Protocol)
General information on “ND(P)":
- NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) dynamically discovers the MAC addresses (L2) of neighbors
- This feature is implemented into the ICMPv6 suite (with IPv4, ARP was needed for this)
- This is done by sending out a multicast NS (Neighbor Solicitation) ICMPv6 messages
- The device will answer with a unicast NA (Neighbor Advertisement) ICMPv6 message back
- The NS should be sourced by the link-local address
- The NS is sent to the solicited note multicast address
- The solicited note IPv6 multicast address FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00::/104 + last 24-bytes of the IPv6 unicast address
- The solicited note MAC address is 33:33:FF:xx:xx:xx + last 24-bytes of the IPv6 unicast address
- For each assigned IPv6 address on the interface a solicited note IPv6 multicast address will be joined
DAD (not on blueprint)
Duplicate Address Detection
General information on “DAD”:
- Runs on an interface when it first learns its IPv6 address
- Done by sending an NS message to the solicited node multicast address
- The source address is unspecified (::)
- If there’s a reply with the same IPv6 address, the host knows that a duplicate exists
- The reply will be sent to the all-nodes multicast address FF02::1
- If a duplicate address exists the configured IPv6 address will not be assigned to the interface
IND (not on blueprint)
Inverse Neighbor Discovery
General information on “IND”:
- Inverse version of ND(P)
- Comparable to Reverse ARP in IPv4
- Uses the Inverse NS message to get the IPv6 address of a known MAC address (L2)
Router Solicitation
General information on “RS”:
- Sent out by the host to find an router/a gateway
- Destination IPv6 address is FF02::2 (all-routers multicast address)
- Destination MAC address is 33:33:00:00:00:02
- Source IPv6 address is link-local address of the sender
- Source MAC address is the interface MAC address of the sender
- ICMPv6 type is 133
Router Advertisement
General information on “RA”:
- IPv6 routing needs to be activated on the router in order to send out RAs
- Advertisements are sent out by router periodically on all of their configured interfaces (default 200 seconds)
- Advertisement is sent out immediately after a solicitation message is received
- Destination address is FF02::1 (all-nodes multicast address) or the link-local unicast address if it is a response to a RS message
- Source address is link-local address of the router
- ICMPv6 type is 134
- Parameters included in the RA:
- Link prefix and length (must be /64 for SLAAC)
- Address lifetime (Valid lifetime 30 days, preferred lifetime 7 days)
- Configuration flags (“A”, “M”, “O”)
- Default router information (If the router should be used as default gateway, and if so, how long)
- Router preference (useful when several routers exist)
- Additional information (eg. hop limit, MTU, […])
- Hosts can obtain the default gateway information only out of the RA (router lifetime needs to be greater than 0 seconds, default value is 1800 seconds)
- Even if using stateless/stateful DHCPv6, there‘s no default gateway option which can be configured (DHCPv4 has option 003 for this)
“IPv6 RS/RA” CLI configuration commands:
## Modifying the IPv6 address lifetime
Router(config)# interface <if>
Router(config-if)# ipv6 nd prefix <ipv6-prefix>/<prefix-length> [valid-lifetime] [preferred-lifetime]
## Modifying the IPv6 ND router preference
Router(config)# interface <if>
Router(config-if)# ipv6 nd router-preference [high | medium | low]
Autoconfig (SLAAC)
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
General information on “SLAAC”:
- With SLAAC the host generates its own IPv6 address
- Address is based on prefix in RA message + EUI-64 or random 64-bit value (privacy extensions)
- Optionally a stateless DHCPv6 server can give out additional information (when the “O” flag is set to 1)
- A SLAAC address can have different states:
- TENTATIVE: The uniqueness of an address is in the verification state and the address isn’t assigned to an interface/not used yet.
- VALID PREFERRED: The uniqueness of an address is verified, it is assigned to an interface and used for sending/receiving traffic (address is within the “preferred”-time range).
- VALID DEPRECATED: The uniqueness of an address is verified, it is assigned to an interface and used for sending/receiving traffic but should be avoided to be used (address is within the “valid”-time range).
- INVALID: Address reached end of its “valid”-time range and shouldn’t be used for sending/receiving traffic anymore.
“IPv6 SLAAC” CLI configuration commands:
## Configuring an interface to use IPv6 SLAAC
Router(config)# interface <if>
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address autoconfig
IPv6 General Prefix
General information on “IPv6 General Prefix”:
- Simplifies network numbering in case network gets a new IPv6 prefix
- Useful when the IPv6 prefix is assigned by the ISP and not acquired from the RIR
“IPv6 General Prefix” CLI configuration commands:
## Defining an IPv6 general prefix
Router(config)# ipv6 general-prefix [NAME] <ipv6-prefix/prefix-length>
## Assigning an IPv6 address to an interface based on the configured general prefix
Router(config)# interface <if>
Router(config-if)# ipv6 address [PREFIX-NAME] <ipv6-if-id>
IPv6 interface behavior
General information on “IPv6 interface behavior”:
- When configuring and de-configuring IPv6 addresses on an interface, the behavior of what gets deleted and what remains differs based on the configuration parameters
- Parameters and behavior:
- ipv6 enable: Interface gets a IPv6 link-local address only. Useful when interface doesn’t need to be routable, eg. when running OSPFv3/EIGRPv6 over it. When removing the command, the link-local address will be removed.
- ipv6 address <addr>: Interface gets a IPv6 routable AND link-local address. When removing the command, both addresses are removed except when the ipv6 enable command is still configured on the interface.